Empowering 100,000 #eventprofs to be in action building the future of how human connection happens

On 14th April 2020, we joined our Ambassadors in launching our grassroots campaign to empower 100,000 #eventprofs to be in action building the future of how human connection happens and:

  • Get 15+ hours of FREE education resources

  • Engage with event professionals around the world

  • Understand how to make the business case for human connection in a way global governments and businesses will understand

This summary report explores the results of this campaign and shows that together we can be 100,000 #eventprofs in action building the future of how human connection happens.

We asked our community to champion this campaign and provided them with the information below to support this.

What inspired this campaign?

This campaign is in response to the COVID-19 crisis which has significantly impacted the global event industry.

The team at Positive Impact Events have volunteered to create resources to empower a global community of #eventprofs to be in action to build a sustainable* future for the event industry.

Why 100,000?

A community of this size is enough to be noticed and it aligns with a commitment made to empower event professionals to further the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

Who are Positive Impact Events?

For over 15 years not for profit Positive Impact Events have been providing engagement, collaboration and engagement to create a sustainable event industry.

Since 2016 Positive Impact Events has had memorandums of understanding with various United Nations Bodies including UNFCCC and UN Environment.

Why are Positive Impact Events doing this?

Why not? We believe in the power of events to create human connection and we have an interesting community and network which we believe could be utilised now to make a difference.

What is the content for this programme based on?

Content will support the Acceleration Action (submitted to the UN SDG Summit September 2019) and will be based on data gathered from:

  1. My World Events Survey (the only UN-related survey tailored for event professionals)

  2. Input from United Nations Bodies

  3. Event industry best practice

  4. Event industry leaders 

  5. Sustainability experts.

30 mins of content will be emailed every 3 days for 90 days from the date you sign up.

How is this campaign being funded?

There is no funding behind this campaign. The Positive Impact Events Team are trained and able to deliver these resources and now is the time it needs to happen. People are volunteering time, energy and expertise.

I have some examples of best practice event sustainability can I share it?

Yes please do! As part of this campaign we will be encouraging the 100,000 event professionals to share their best practice. We will have a toolkit on line explaining how they can use social media to do this

How can I tell everyone else I am one of the 100,000 taking action to build the future of how human connection happens?

When you register we will send you a social media filter/badge which you can use.

Who is the target audience for this education?

Event professionals around the world who want to enhance their understanding and ability to be sustainable and support the development of a strong, strategic and sustainable global event industry.

I am an event industry association can I share this content with my members?

Yes please do!

I am event industry media can I share this content with my readers?

Yes, please do!

How can I get involved?

  1. Register to be part of the 100,000 community on our website and put time in your diary for 90 days so you plan to explore the content we will email you

  2. Encourage your event professional friends to be one of the 100,000

  3. Share your content and best practice via social media (see the guidelines and toolkit on our website

  4. Be ready to take action - who knows how this will go, you may see an opportunity to host a virtual conversation on a key topic or you may have new ideas to share - please do!

Is this certified education content?

No it is not - if you would like certified content please ask your local event industry association.

About the campaign

Will you be one of 100,000 #EventProfs in action building the future of how human connection happens? Watch our recent #EventIcons interview to find out more.

From April 2020 the Positive Impact Events team will be delivering a no cost, online programme so that:

  • 100,000 event planners learn how to deliver sustainable* events

  • 100,000 event planners gain new skills to be able to market the value of the event industry in the language of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

  • The future of the event industry as a sustainable* event industry is set 

*sustainable meaning the continuation of our industry

The difference we hope this programme will make includes:

  • Creating a culture for sustainable events, including building awareness for the business demand from global corporate companies

  • Empowering confidence within event professionals to deliver events in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including practical resources and tools

  • Creating the future of how human connection happens (the global event industry) by empowering and inspiring event professionals around the world, including insight from the world’s leading events

Katy Carlisle

Squarespace website design and training.


Addressing the role of plastic in the event industry


Sharing examples of how events can be used to achieve the UN SDGs for #EarthDay 2020