About Us

As of February 2024, Positive Impact has a community of almost 2,000 global event professionals, over 40 corporate Head of Events, over 40 Corporate Head of Sustainability, over 160 SMEs with a Race to Zero commitment, over 5 memorandums of understanding with United Nations bodies.

We are the only event sector body to be a Race to Zero Accelerator, UN SDG Action mobiliser and to have education certified by the world’s largest and leading CPD accreditation working across all sectors, so our education is accessed by heads of marketing, HR and sustainability.

For over 15 years not for profit Positive Impact have been providing engagement, collaboration and education to create a sustainable event industry. You could describe Positive Impact as the ‘critical friend’ of the global event sector.

Our funding comes from everywhere and nowhere, and every penny, cent or yen is used to advance the event sector so every time an event happens the UN Sustainable Development Goals are advanced and events are recognised as ensuring 'participation and inclusion in decision making’ (UN SDG16).

This is a timeline of Positive Impact's journey and the creation of a sustainable event industry. It reflects initiatives from:

  • The United Nations

  • Positive Impact

  • CEO Fiona Pelham

  • Key developments in the creation of a sustainable event industry.

Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle

Creating opportunities to Unite to Act for the Global week to #ACT4SDGs

As a mobiliser for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Action campaign, Positive Impact invited the global event sector to unite and #ACT4SDGs with opportunities for engagement between 18th - 24th September 2023.

As a mobiliser for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Action campaign, Positive Impact invited the global event sector to unite and #ACT4SDGs with the following opportunities for engagement:

We also provided 9 Opportunities to Unite for Action.

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Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle

Providing free sustainable event management education for the UN Global Week Unite to #ACT4SDGS

A free 48 hour online event during the week of 18th - 24th September to access aspects of our education, which is accredited by CPD (the world's leading and largest independent Continuing Professional Development accreditation body).

Positive Impact is a mobiliser for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Action campaign and was happy to provide this free event as an opportunity for engagement in sustainable event management education.

This was a 48 hour online event between 18th and 20th September 2023, where attendees were able to access aspects of our education, which is accredited by CPD (the world's leading and largest independent Continuing Professional Development accreditation body).

The event provided an insight into the CPD courses that Positive Impact provides, which will help organisations to explore sustainable event strategies and education and further the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Content included speakers from UNICEF UK, The Race to Zero, ISO, Paris24 and the International Olympic Committee

This event was available to anyone responsible for:

  • Implementation of sustainable event strategy in their organisation

  • Fulfilling CPD training courses to further their organisation’s event sustainability education

Unite to Act ISO 20121 Liaison and National Standard Bodies Sessions

As part of Positive Impact’s wider campaign to help the event industry to advance the SDGs, we created an opportunity for liaisons to ISO 20121 and National Standard Bodies to present their own sessions during the event.

Input from the liaisons to ISO 20121 and National Standard Bodies shaped this part of the event, and speakers were invited to add their own sessions to the Positive Impact website.

Positive Impact facilitated the opportunity by:

  • Providing technology for the delivery of a session

  • Providing materials to support the promotion of the event

The sessions included:

  • How to design events that inspire climate action
    Francesca Harris, CEO/Founder, 4GOOD

  • Small Company, Mighty Impact: Delivering Sustainability, One Drop at a Time
    Laura Notarbartolo, CEO, Italian Special Occasions

  • Zero waste events - Why and how
    Rishita Sharma, Founder, Green Utsav

  • Storytelling your sustainability success
    Ulrika Mårtensson, Owner, IMPROVEMENT

  • Sustainability measures taken in our convention centre
    Paula Blomster, Congress Manager, Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre

  • Eco-production: Exploring the Environmental Impact of events + An Assessment of Sustainable Event Practices
    Hatem Ben Haj Hassine, Eco-Producer Event Sustainability Manager, suun sustainability

  • Sustain Your Sustainability Momentum - Small Steps, Keep Learning
    Jacqueline Beaulieu, Director, Strategic Marketing & Client Engagement, Poretta & Orr | Exhibits & Events

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Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle Positive Impact Events Katy Carlisle

Mobilising critical action on the Sustainable Development Goals

Positive Impact and the UN SDG Action Campaign are joining forces to mobilise millions to take critical action on the Sustainable Development Goals.


Positive Impact and the UN SDG Action Campaign are joining forces to mobilise millions to take critical action on the Sustainable Development Goals.

Positive Impact’s role as a Global Week to #Act4SDGs mobilising partner provides an opportunity for events to be recognised as amplifying ways to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. Event professionals are being encouraged to post, share and pledge their actions and talk about how they flip the script for a more sustainable world.

The #FlipTheScript campaign was launched to show that change is possible when we work together and its key mobilisation moment, the Global Week to #Act4SDGs, takes place 16 to 25 September, during the high-level UN General Assembly debate.

Marina Ponti, Director of the UN SDG Action Campaign, said that the time is now for all stakeholders – organizations and individuals alike – to come together in solidarity.  

“In these challenging times for the world, the power is in our hands to flip the script on climate, justice and peace - which means re-writing the narrative and reclaiming our future. A future with people and planet in focus. The UN SDG Action Campaign and its partners have shown that we are stronger together as we can mobilize millions of people to bring about positive change,” Ms. Ponti stated.  

To #FlipTheScript, the UN SDG Action Campaign calls for a journey of advocacy and action. Taking action means behaviour change at all levels, transforming the way things are done to implement the change. Changing the narrative from events creating waste to events creating opportunities.

Positive Impact CEO, Fiona Pelham, talks about the campaign:

Event professionals can play a part in creating that change in three simple steps.

Start by sharing a #FlipTheScript graphic which illustrates how easy and impactful changing the narrative can be. 

Next, post a picture of your event's positive impact on social media using the hashtags #eventscreatechange #shareapositiveimpact, #FlipTheScript and #Act4SDGs. Positive Impacts can use these posts to capture and reshare your solutions with the global UN SDG Action community.

If you’re unsure whether your example of positive impact fits the bill, check out the other solutions in the Share a Positive Impact library.

Positive Impact also encouraged two global event sector associations to support their communities to share best practice examples.

To stay up to date with how you and your organisation can make a difference, you can pledge to be a Positive Impact ambassador. Ambassadors are supported with materials from collaborations with UN bodies, to lead the transformation of the event sector. In the last 12 months over 1,700 ambassadors have received resources to advance commitments for climate, justice and peace.

Find out more about the UN SDG Action Campaign’s #FlipTheScript campaign.

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Positive Impact Events Positive Impact Positive Impact Events Positive Impact

Collaborating with #Act4SDGs

The Global Week To #Act4SDG’s has taken place annually since 2016 With the intention of inspiring action to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are 17 goals which will create a world that works for everyone.

The Global Week To #Act4SDGs has taken place annually since 2016 With the intention of inspiring action to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are 17 goals which will create a world that works for everyone.

You can learn more about what the SDGs mean for events from a campaign Positive Impact delivered in 2020 to engage 100,000 event professionals in building the future of human connection in line with the SDGs.

You can read more about how the event sector is accelerating progress towards the SDGs with the latest acceleration action report submitted to SDG Action for the event sector.

This year the Global Week to #Act4SDGs has a goal to inspire 100 million people to take individual and collective action with the overall target of mobilizing 1 billion actions by 2030. held during the high level week of the United Nations General Assembly this year’s mobilisation will also drive action in the lead up to COP26 in Glasgow. Positive Impact has submitted actions which will be led by the community of over 1600 global ambassadors and which are accessible to event professionals around the world.

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Positive Impact Events Positive Impact Positive Impact Events Positive Impact

Communicating how #eventprofs are in action to #TurnItAround during SDG Action Week

Laura Miller, Manager of Events & Customer Experience at Interface shared with the UN during SDG Action Week on how event professionals are in action to #TurnItAround and progress the SDGs through facilitating participation and inclusion (SDG 16.7.2) through events.

Laura Miller, Manager of Events & Customer Experience at Interface shared with the UN during SDG Action Week on how event professionals are in action to #TurnItAround and progress the SDGs through facilitating participation and inclusion (SDG 16.7.2.) through events.

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Positive Impact Events Positive Impact Positive Impact Events Positive Impact

Presenting at the UN SDG Global Festival of Action on how events are a route to achieving the SDGs

Positive Impact’s CEO, Fiona Pelham, hosted a presentation at the 2019 SDG Global Festival of Action sharing stories of how events are used to change the world. These stories also shared actions people could take so they left the room inspired and ready to take action.

Fiona Pelham hosted a presentation at the 2019 SDG Global Festival of Action sharing stories of how events are used to change the world. These stories also shared actions people could take so they left the room inspired and ready to take action.

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Who we have experience collaborating with

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