Human and Child Rights and Safeguarding Toolkit
This is a toolkit for corporate events teams to deliver a one-day training programme to support the implementation of the guidance for considering human and child rights and safeguarding.
This Guidance has been created by Positive Impact and Unicef UK to be implemented in line with ISO 20121, the only global standard for sustainable events.
How to use the toolkit materials:
Start by watching the introduction animations
Read the extra information and watch educational videos to support the implementation of the guidance
Organise 1 hr hour workshop with your corporate events team. Decide on advocate to deliver workshop and use PowerPoint and script provided.
Once all the resources have been used, the final step is the read the guidance of human and child rights and safeguarding and plan actions to to take in your event process to consider human and child rights and safeguarding.
Use Positive Impact educational materials on Safeguarding, Meaningful participation and Remedy to identify actions you can take in your corporate event strategy and planning process.
Access guidance for consideration of human and child rights
Access implementation PowerPoint:
Introduction Animated Videos
Understanding the role of human and child rights for Events
Understanding the guidance for the consideration of human and child rights and safeguarding
Educational Videos
International Peace Day roundtable exploring human and child rights and safeguarding with Unicef UK
Interview with Unicef UK on the guidance for the consideration of human and child rights and safeguarding
Extra Information for implementation of guidance
Frequently Asked Questions on considering human and child rights when planning corporate events
Guide on how to read to the guidance for considering human and child rights